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Charming medieval town to the west of Avignon

featured in Towns & villages Updated

A delightful historic town, Uzes is blessed with charming medieval streets, beautiful architecture and elegant mansions.

The main sights are the Duche d'Uzes, and the Jardin Medieval which has a lovely collection of botanical plants. The town is proud of becoming the very first duchy in France, and was the premiere title in France after the royal family.

History & Culture in [locality]

Originally a small Gallo-Roman settlement, the town lies at the site of a Roman aqueduct that was built in the 1st century BC to supply water to the city of Nimes.

Throughout the centuries is was known to be a Jewish community, and although they were expelled from the city in 614, it hosted a small community of Jewish scholars during the 13th century. The city and the surrounding countryside were strongly Protestant during the Wars of Religion in the 16th century, which wreaked havoc thoughout the Languedoc. Many of the city's churches were trashed and burned, with only two remaining today.

Known for its cloth manufacturing, specifically for 'serges' (a particular type of woven cloth).

Sights & Attractions in [locality]

Perhaps the most iconic image of Uzes is of the windowed tower that sits high above the roof tops and above the Uzes Cathedral. This cathedral has a long history and has been rebuilt many times throughout the centuries.

Events in [locality]

Well known in the region for its Saturday morning market, which not only sells local produce and farmers goods, but also cloths of the region and souvenirs.

Things to do in [locality]

Uzes has a colourful market on Wednesday mornings and on Saturdays, and hosts annual festivals for the locally grown purple garlic (June), and for truffles (January).

The area around Uzes is famed for producing white clay and there are numerous potteries in St Questin la Poterie, where you can visit a pottery museum and make purchases.


Map of the surrounding area