© http://www.museum-aix-en-provence.org
Museum d'Histoire Naturelle
Great collection of dinosaurs and plant fossils
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The Muséum d'Aix was founded in 1838 by Henri Coquand, geologist ; it is one of the oldest in Provence.
The museum is best known for its paleontological collections - dinosaurs. Following archeological digs carried out by the museum over the last ten years, the collections currently boast close to 1,000 dinosaur remains, ranking it among the wealthiest French museums in this category.Its collections, inventoried at the time of their transfer to new storage facilities, total 376.000 specimens, of which beautiful herbiers (150.000 spécimens).
The Natural History Museum of Aix-en-Provence has moved location to the Saint-Mitre Park, Jas de Bouffan. However during this transistion, whilst new buildings are being built, the museum will be closed to the public.