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Ajmi Jazz Club

One of France's top Jazz venues playing live music in the heart if the city

featured in Jazz music & clubs Updated

The Ajmi has played host to numerous talented international Jazz artists, and the Ajmi is classed as one of the top 3 jazz venues in France and is located in the heart of Avignon next to the beautiful Palais des Papes.

Live concerts are held at least once a week and more over the summer months.

Who should go

People who love jazz and live music, hearing up and coming acts and new talent as well as the bigger names in the Jazz industry.

Visitor comments

The Ajmi (Association for Jazz and Improvised Music) has existed since 1978 in Avignon. Internationally recognized, it hosts live the best musicians in the contemporary jazz scene, known or not yet. It represents the image of a creative and dynamic jazz, constantly changing.


Map of the surrounding area